CHARACTER OF COFFEE : It’s a bidiam body that has a long scent of Luvidium body.
It’s located on the northern hill of Lake Kiv in western Rwanda.
It’s a unique Rwandan product produced by Bugoy Washing Station.
Honey Coffee Replicates the Way Banama Beer Is Produced.
Rehwanda is Uganda to the north. It borders Tanzania to the east.
It’s an inland country that doesn’t have an ocean, and it’s located south of the equator.
Coffee is harvested between March and July. The general characteristic of coffee in Lehwanda is that.
Compared to Kenyan coffee, the acid of many oranges and lemons is generally strong.
Compared to Ugandan coffee, it has a flowery cupnote and a cupnote of sweet tropical fruit.
Lehwanda Bougoy Intango Honey is a way of producing banana beer produced in Rwanda.
It’s a honey process that applies the Intango fermentation method to coffee.
It is a type of coffee that attempts to have various herbal scents on it.